The NEW One45.
For Harlem.

The new One45 will create upwards of 1,000 brand-new apartments in Harlem for people at all different income levels.

One45 is one of the largest private investments in Harlem’s history. It represents our belief in the community and our commitment to an inclusive housing and economic development plan that is being building for existing residents and future generations.

What you can expect

Upwards of 1,000 new apartments for individuals and families at different income levels from across the economic spectrum.

Approximately 291 Affordable Units will be built under the Certified Plan.

The remainder of the new apartments will be for those who do not qualify for rental assistance but who want to remain in, or come back to Harlem.

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Youth Empowerment and Mentorship, which will give younger people in Harlem, starting as early as high school, a shot at a better, brighter future.

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We are  building the FIRST Geo-thermal Green Energy District in America, to make Central Harlem cleaner, healthier and improve the well-being of existing residents by drastically reducing toxic carbon emissions and other environmental hazards.

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The creation of over 1,000 temporary and permanent good-paying jobs.

The restoration and revitalization of 145th St. to make it a safer, brighter, and more welcoming place to live, work and shop for existing Harlem residents.

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The Economic Investment Initiative will foster and support local Women and Minority entrepreneurship and business ownership so that existing residents are given the opportunity to CREATE and KEEP wealth in the community.

Upgrades and improvements to the existing infrastructure in the neighborhood.

We are partnering with POSITIVE WORKFORCE, a Harlem-based not-for-profit that has a 30-year track record of giving new hope and opportunity through career and job training to 20,000 Harlem residents.

A genuine partnership with local community-based organizations, tenant groups, religious and business leaders, activists and other stakeholders.

Space in the new development for locally based community and not-for-profit organizations that service the neighborhood.